Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama's Inauguration

Obama in the office

I read "Miraculous March to the White House" By: Steve Forbes and it was just about how amazing it is that, "never before in modern American history has a man we really know so little about and whose political record provides few clues about how he might actually govern attained the highest office in the land." Obama now has to deal with all these troubles in office like president Bush just walked away from a video game right before he dies and gave all these controls to Obama. So I ask you, why the hell would we have a system where we let one man take a majority of the burden, and try and make it lighter while the rest of the nation just sits here and watch. Politics is like the Coliseum in ancient Rome, the gladiator is all the trouble, and hardship of office the other is just a simple man not trained to fight in combat and we the crowd simply watch. Am I the only one that sees something wrong with that or am I not delusional? Both Republicans and Democrats have it wrong we don't need the government involving itself in our lives, or less in our live, we need to be involved in government, not the other way around. We have reached utter melancholy in our society and just let the government protect us and they do so blithely and given gratuitously is now stuck. We are using government as a maid to clean up our mess, now I say that we, the people, should be the representatives of our sovereign nation, we are the mob and what if you control the mob you survive now what if you had the mob running the nation the unity between body and government we the majority stand up against those who strike us shall be met with the wrath of a million fists, no longer shall we have an interpreter for the cries of the nation. The mob will make its own decisions as a whole no congress no electoral collage how can you corrupt the mob if the mob is one impenetrable mass, we as humans have natural instinct to always be in a group we don't want to be all alone while there is a huge mass of people close by, the personal magnetism of the mob holds the mob together on one set coarse, full speed ahead in which ever way ahead may be. We'll find out the path when we see where the majority face and those who follow will notice that, if they continue on there present coarse the will find themselves alone and that's where the natural instinct kicks in. And in the case of If we stand on our beliefs will we be able to progress i think not we need change those who find themselves unwilling to move will find themselves alone very fast "all motion is relative, mabie it is you who has moved away by standing still."

Monday, October 20, 2008



I Read "UK: Jet captain reported UFO sighting" From CNN and it just told about how the British government doesn't do very much about UFO sightings, and when I read it I got a little pissed. As you know UFO stands for unidentified flying object and when people hear that they immediately consider it to be alien and the person reporting it crazy, but in all honestly it mean anything that can't be identified whether its human or not. The government shouldn't stay aloof to this situation they should actually care about if another country is spying on them or someone is operating without their consent. The plan that is currently in place is haphazard to what could be done. The government is just all around not giving it's all they are sloths oblivious to how inept they really are. in my eyes all the governments should be woken up to the world we are in they pay attention to the interests of their leaders more than the people. Their power is the people so why don't they do more for us. It's like being sick and still thinking you can do everything you could do when you were healthy. Look at it like this on 9/11 they were able to get into the country and plan it and get away with it so they increased their security of the airports you need to increase it everywhere not just in one place, your only as strong as your weakest link.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Vice Presidential Debate

I read "Palin stands her ground in VP debate with Biden" by By JIM KUHNHENN, Associated Press Writer, and as I watched the debate my whole family noticed that Palin was speaking as though she had memorised lines and its obvious that before she was elected vice presidential candidate for the Republican party she didn't know what was happening really and she was just recently introduced to the world perspective. My family and probably numerous other people are believing that the republican party is holding Palin down saying shes a loose cannon so to speak, and when I read this article I thought that she was going to say something that would possibly ruin the election for her. It really is annoying watching her stand there and pretend that she knows what shes talking about. Why do you think they chose her instead of somebody else? I've talked to some die hard republicans and some even say that if they want to win this election they need to dump Palin before she gets loose. I also noted that when she was to counter Biden's views she pretty much re-said what he did in a way and she tried to make it look like there isn't that much difference between their views. If she was reading from a script then I believe that the republicans are getting very desperate. I try to stay aloof to politics but when its this big its hard to keep a charismatic view to things and in m opinion I really do think that Obama is going to win. Of coarse it's not about the vice presidents its about Obama or McCain but Palins is still holding the republicans back

The Internet

I read “just had to shout this one out” on 2 cents worth and which is about Spore a PC game that is one of the most detailed story of evolution. There are five stages, cell, creature, village, civilization, and space. Through these stages you’re trying to perfect your creature’s evolution through rigorous mouse clicking. It’s really fun involving several games into one. It’s probably the closest thing to actually experiencing the evolution of a species. And with the internet you can actually find your friend’s civilization and interact with other players and it makes me wonder what can’t we do with the internet.
Through the internet you can talk to other people, listen to music, watch your favorite videos, play games, sell and buy things, and millions of other things. What we have essentially done is put the human mind into a legible format. We can see what the human species is thinking, and what is most important to our lives. It’s no longer a web more another universe inside of a few wires. So why do they charge us to enter this ultimate not to mention unlimited resource. It doesn’t compute with the system of supply and demand, there’s measureable amount of demand, and infinite supply so the internet should be free. Now I wonder what would it look like if you were to gather all of the websites and take a census on what is what and map it out in a neat little tree diagram? I did some research on how many websites there are and as of February 2007 there are 108,810,358. That’s not including the different branches of each website. It’s only going to continue to grow as our world advances. And I want you to imagine you’re an ant with 109 million (and growing) different branches to climb. I’m surprised we haven’t all curled into little balls in a corner trying to comprehend how we were capable of doing such unfathomable tasks and still survive. I guess ignorance is bliss.

Monday, September 22, 2008

A New Learning Opportunity

A New Learning Opportunity

Well I'm really happy that Mr. Fisch has a new learning opportunity and i think its kinda funny that he's still doing pretty much the same thing he was doing before and it made me think that if your used to one system of doing things how will our body except doing something completely different like not having a schedule just doing anything and I concluded that we need schedules and systems not because we're lost but the feeling of belonging and being acknowledged that your there we like we need to be reminded that we exist. You probably saw a cartoon or show that had an episode about a person being shunned or the silent treatment and after a while the person starts freaking out and thinking that they died or something think of the utter confusion in their mind if they can feel and touch and move, do you or can you still exist when you aren't acknowledged. Think about it for yourself do you exist if your never noticed. What a perfectly happy conundrum.

Monday, September 15, 2008

soldier for the right

I read "Soldier for the Right" by James B. Meadow from the Rocky Mountain News and its pretty much about an ex soldier who now works at CU and is actually conservative. I was happy to read that we actually have a conservative professor at CU the students there are constantly bombarded with liberal beliefs and that's the reason that most young people are liberal and I lean to the left even. Its a way of politically corrupting the universities. I know that the teachers don't like to influence their students but they are, if they're successful some students may, subconsciously, believe that if they're liberal they'll do better in life. We need more conservative teachers so that they will get both sides of the spectrum, causing controversy in the head of the students, and when you have controversy or competition it improves your decision so the student will in turn learn more than they would if they had only liberal teachers.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The post named 5 by Mr. Fisch has one of my favorite quotes in it but its worded differently. Its by Benjamin Franklin and goes "those who would give up a little humility for a little security diserve neither and lose both." What that and the the three other quotes are saying is, being aloud to put in your own thoughts is better than being safe. So I now know yet another thing our government was based off of. Which made me relize when you don't contribute to the classroom your only hurting yourself instead of saving you the embarrasment. Which brings me to the thought that the classroom is more like a democracy than most people think, the teacher is the president of coarce but the "good" kids are like politicians and the normal kids are the people and the "bad" kids are like criminals. If we want to change something in the classroom the normal kids would go to the good kids and see if its good then the idea is passed to the teacher who dicides whether its good or bad. Its like making a bill a law or something along those lines, you just need to use the right words in the proper format. The only difference is that we can't impeach the teacher and go behind your back