Tuesday, September 9, 2008


The post named 5 by Mr. Fisch has one of my favorite quotes in it but its worded differently. Its by Benjamin Franklin and goes "those who would give up a little humility for a little security diserve neither and lose both." What that and the the three other quotes are saying is, being aloud to put in your own thoughts is better than being safe. So I now know yet another thing our government was based off of. Which made me relize when you don't contribute to the classroom your only hurting yourself instead of saving you the embarrasment. Which brings me to the thought that the classroom is more like a democracy than most people think, the teacher is the president of coarce but the "good" kids are like politicians and the normal kids are the people and the "bad" kids are like criminals. If we want to change something in the classroom the normal kids would go to the good kids and see if its good then the idea is passed to the teacher who dicides whether its good or bad. Its like making a bill a law or something along those lines, you just need to use the right words in the proper format. The only difference is that we can't impeach the teacher and go behind your back

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