Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama's Inauguration

Obama in the office

I read "Miraculous March to the White House" By: Steve Forbes and it was just about how amazing it is that, "never before in modern American history has a man we really know so little about and whose political record provides few clues about how he might actually govern attained the highest office in the land." Obama now has to deal with all these troubles in office like president Bush just walked away from a video game right before he dies and gave all these controls to Obama. So I ask you, why the hell would we have a system where we let one man take a majority of the burden, and try and make it lighter while the rest of the nation just sits here and watch. Politics is like the Coliseum in ancient Rome, the gladiator is all the trouble, and hardship of office the other is just a simple man not trained to fight in combat and we the crowd simply watch. Am I the only one that sees something wrong with that or am I not delusional? Both Republicans and Democrats have it wrong we don't need the government involving itself in our lives, or less in our live, we need to be involved in government, not the other way around. We have reached utter melancholy in our society and just let the government protect us and they do so blithely and given gratuitously is now stuck. We are using government as a maid to clean up our mess, now I say that we, the people, should be the representatives of our sovereign nation, we are the mob and what if you control the mob you survive now what if you had the mob running the nation the unity between body and government we the majority stand up against those who strike us shall be met with the wrath of a million fists, no longer shall we have an interpreter for the cries of the nation. The mob will make its own decisions as a whole no congress no electoral collage how can you corrupt the mob if the mob is one impenetrable mass, we as humans have natural instinct to always be in a group we don't want to be all alone while there is a huge mass of people close by, the personal magnetism of the mob holds the mob together on one set coarse, full speed ahead in which ever way ahead may be. We'll find out the path when we see where the majority face and those who follow will notice that, if they continue on there present coarse the will find themselves alone and that's where the natural instinct kicks in. And in the case of If we stand on our beliefs will we be able to progress i think not we need change those who find themselves unwilling to move will find themselves alone very fast "all motion is relative, mabie it is you who has moved away by standing still."

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